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Town of Parma Code, current and archival Town, Planning, Zoning and Conservation Boards minutes; Legal and Public Notices published through the Town Clerk Office, Budget information; Bid Package Information and Internal Town Policies.
Town Code - E-Code for Town of Parma

James Roose - Town Supervisor
Jim and his wife Mary live on Pine Hill Rd in Parma with their pup Ruby. They have 4 adult children Ashley, Jordan and his wife Madiline, Austin and his wife Bri with their child Angelina and Serenna and her husband Wesley.
Jim has served as a Town Board Member since 2009. He currently serves as liaison to the Highway Department, Union Negotiations, Personnel, and the Historian. Prior to joining the Parma Town Council, he was a Monroe County Legislator serving as the Chairman of the Intergovernmental Relations Committee. He also served on the Board of Action for a Better Community, the Public Defenders Advisory Committee, and Monroe County’s Council of Elders.
Jim works part time as a bus driver for the Hilton Central School District. During the bus driver shortage locally he obtained his CDL bus license at the age of 64. He worked for 12 years as manager of Monroe County’s Office of Faith Based and Community Initiatives. He also worked at Bausch & Lomb for 33 years. Working in Research & Development in the Thin Coatings Division.
Jim and his wife Mary have been active in the church for 40 years. Serving in several positions such as elder, trustee, and youth counselor. Currently they attend Calvary Chapel Westside in Spencerport.
Jim is a graduate of RIT.
David Ciufo - Deputy Supervisor
(Bio and photo to be added)
Liaison Assignments: Union Negotiation, Special Police/Court Officers. Parks & Recreation
Tod Ferguson - Town Council
Before being appointed to the Town Board in 2024, Tod served for nearly three decades on Parma’s Conservation, Zoning, and Planning Boards. He was Chairperson of the latter for 12 years. Currently, he is the liaison to Zoning Enforcement, Planning Board, and Dog Control.
Tod graduated from RIT with a degree in Civil Engineering and has worked for Monroe County Water Authority since 1987. He is a licensed Professional Engineer with experience in project design, building, and management. He serves his community on the Cross Connection Control Foundation and Wrights Corners Cemetery Board. He’s a member of Calvary Chapel Westside in Spencerport.
Tod and his wife, Michele, have been residents of Parma since 1990 and built their current home within its borders on Route 259 to allow them to continue enjoying the advantages of our small, but thriving rural town.
Liaison Assignments: Dog Control, Zoning Enforcement, Planning Board
Linda Judd - Town Council
Linda graduated from Hilton High School in 1973. She joined the US Army Women’s Corp serving in the US and Korea. She is a member of Monroe County Farm Bureau, volunteer for Cornell’s Ag Literacy Program and Farmland and Open Space Committee for the Town of Parma. She has two grown children and owns Marilyn’s Learning Farm and Garden in Hilton.
- Secondary/MS Science Teacher, Churchville-Chili Central School
- STEM Coordinator, Monroe Community College Summer
- Substitute Assistant Principal Churchville Senior/Junior High
- Masters Educational Administration, Canisius College
- Masters Science Education, Roberts Wesleyan College
- Bachelor of Science Environmental Health, Colorado State University
- NYS SDA Certification Permanent 2007
- NYS Permanent Certification Biology, General Science, Chemistry 2001
Liaison Assignments: Assessor, Library, Farmland & Open Space |
Thomas J. Sercu - Town Council
(Bio and photo to be added)
Liaison Assignments: Village of Hilton, Zoning Board
Carrie Fracassi - Town Clerk
Carrie has lived in Parma/Hilton since 1997 and raised 4 children that all graduated from Hilton High School. Carrie loves spending time with her family, children, two grandchildren and her Goldendoodle Zola. She enjoys going to the movies and doing puzzles in her downtime.
Carrie has worked for the Town of Parma since 2009 in the capacity of Deputy Town Clerk and Receiver of Taxes. Carrie was elected and has served as Town Clerk and Receiver of Taxes since 2018. She has been secretary to the Zoning Board since 2012.
She is a member of the Monroe County Town Clerk Association, New York State Town Clerk Association, New York State Tax Collector Association and is a Notary Public for the State of New York, County of Monroe. |
Judge Gregory Colavecchia
Town Justice
Judge Colavecchia is a graduate of Gates-Chili High School and the University of Rochester. After graduating with degrees in Political Science and History, he attended the University at Buffalo Law School where he earned his JD.
Judge Colavecchia’s legal career began as an Assistant District Attorney in Monroe County where he served for almost eight years. A majority of his career there was spent prosecuting violent felony offenses. Judge Colavecchia is now an attorney in private practice working for a law firm in Rochester, New York.
Judge Colavecchia has resided in Parma since 2010. In his free time, Judge Colavecchia enjoys all sports, but especially soccer. He is a local youth soccer coach. |
Hon. Michael
A. Sciortino
Town Justice
Judge Sciortino has been a Parma Town Justice since January 1, 2001, and has presided over tens of thousands of criminal and civil matters within the Court’s jurisdiction, including felony preliminary hearings, misdemeanors and related jury trials, real property and landlord-tenant matters, contract disputes and small claims, and the return of arrest and bench warrants issued out of the Monroe County Family Court when the Family Court is not in session. Judge Sciortino is also an Acting City Court Judge in Rochester City Court, a former judge in Rochester Teen Court, and is currently a Trustee, Secretary, and Past-President of the Monroe County Magistrates Association. In addition, Judge Sciortino is Chief General Counsel, Chief Privacy Officer, and Chief Human Resources Officer for various healthcare and technology-enabled service companies throughout the world that are based within multiple states within the United States and India. Judge Sciortino is also a trial lawyer representing individuals with personal injuries, labor and employment disputes, commercial and corporate litigation, municipalities, and criminal defense, all in state and federal court.
Judge Sciortino has resided within the Village of Hilton and Town of Parma since 2000. Within the local community, Judge Sciortino is a parishioner at St. Leo the Great in the Village of Hilton and Sacred Heart Cathedral in the City of Rochester. Judge Sciortino also serves as a Coach of the Hilton High School Mock Trial Team who was named Monroe County Mock Trial Champions in 2022, 2020, 2018, and 2015. Judge Sciortino is a lecturer at various High Schools in Monroe County on topics including Judicial Process, Trial Procedure, and Criminal Law. Judge Sciortino is an Eagle Scout and former Assistant Boy Scout Leader (Troop 92 in Spencerport, NY), and a former coach for the Hilton Sparks youth soccer program. Judge Sciortino is a professional musician and bass guitar player for his local church.
Judge Sciortino earned his Juris Doctor from Albany Law School in 2000 where he was Director of the Moot Court Board and a Member of American Inns of Court. Judge Sciortino earned a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science with a Double Minor in Legal Studies and Philosophy from the University of Rochester in 1997 where he was a member of the Mock Trial Team and Debate Team.
James Christ - Highway Superintendent
Jim is a graduate of Hilton High School and continued his studies at the University of New York, Fredonia. He then began employment for the family business – Christ Paving Company, where he worked for 28 years. His work there included pipework, roadwork and asphalt maintenance. Jim has been with Town of Parma Highway Department since 2006 as an MEO (machine equipment operator) giving him approximately 45 years’ experience in construction.
Jim was born just outside of Paris, France in 1961. He moved to Hilton in the summer of 1963 where he still currently resides with his wife of 28 years, Colleen. In his free time, Jim enjoys playing golf and spending time with his grandchildren as much as possible.

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