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Legal and Public Notices
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Parma Justice Court

Parma Town Court
1300 Hilton-Parma Corners Road
Hilton, NY 14468
Phone: (585) 392-9470, Fax: (585) 371-3975

Justice Court Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 9 00 AM to 4:00 PM
Thursdays-The building will reopen prior to the evening court session.

Honorable Michael A. Sciortino
Town Justice
Honorable Greg J. Colavecchia
Town Justice

Kathryn Dishong
Court Clerk
Samantha A. Testa
Deputy Court Clerk

Justice Court Calendar:

Judge Michael A. Sciortino:
                1st Thursday at 6:00pm: Civil calendar.
                                -Small claims, civil evictions, Town and Village matters.
                2nd Thursday at 6:00pm: Criminal and traffic calendar.
                                -Arraignments, hearings, trials, and dispositions.
                                -Traffic matters are heard at 7:00pm.

Judge Gregory J. Colavecchia:
                3rd Thursday at 6:00pm: Civil calendar.
                                -Small claims, civil evictions, Town and Village matters.
                4th Thursday at 6:00pm: Criminal and traffic calendar.
                                -Arraignments, hearings, trials, and dispositions.
                                -Traffic matters are heard at 7:00pm.
                If there is a 5th Thursday during the month, there is NO court.

To Pay Fines and Driver Suspension fees:

Payments will NOT be accepted during Court. Please arrange to pay court fines and/or driver suspension fees during regular office hours (listed above).
Fines/fees may be paid with cash, credit card, money order, or certified bank check.
NO personal checks, NO payment by phone.
There is a service fee for credit card transactions in-person and online.
To pay online, see the link below. You must know the name of the Judge assigned to your case and their payment location code (PLC#), your 8-digit case number, and the amount due. Contact the Court office with questions or to inquire about paying in installments.
For Judge Sciortino: Payment location code (PLC#)  a003x1
For Judge Colavecchia: Payment location code (PLC#)  a003x2

Small Claims:

Any person aged 18 or older can file a civil complaint for monetary damages up to $3,000 in Small Claims Court. A lawyer is not required to file a small claims case. To bring a small claims case to Parma Town Court, the defendant (person being sued) must live, work, or have a place of business within the municipality of Parma. To file a small claim, see the Small Claims Form above.

Corporations, partnerships, LLCs, and assignees CANNOT file a case in Small Claims Court but they CAN be sued in Small Claims Court. For more information, see the Small Claims Handbook.

Summary Proceedings/Civil Evictions:

Resources for Landlords and Renters

The Parma Town Court hears civil evictions and summary proceedings for properties located within the municipality of Parma. The Court must remain a neutral party in proceedings and CANNOT provide any paperwork, documents, or legal advice regarding filings. For more information, please refer to the Resources handout linked above and/or retain an attorney to assist you.

Traffic Tickets:

Ways to answer a traffic ticket (not to be used for misdemeanor charges):

A) Plead GUILTY by mail. Fill out Section A of your ticket, then return it to the Court by mail, in person at the court office, or via drop-box at the Town Hall with a sealed envelope. The Court will impose a fine and surcharge, and a fine notice will be mailed to you with payment instructions.

B) OR Plead NOT GUILTY by mail. Fill out Section B of your ticket, then return it to the Court by mail, in person, or via the drop-box at the Town Hall. You will be scheduled for a conference with the Assistant District Attorney assigned to Parma and notified of the new court date by mail.

C) OR Appear in person on the court date stated on the face of your ticket.

If you do not have your original ticket but wish to enter a plea in writing, please use the Plea Form linked above and return it to the Court via e-mail, mail, drop-box, or in-person.

Parking Tickets:

Ways to answer a parking ticket:

A) Plead GUILTY by checking that box on your ticket, then sign, date, and complete the information fields. Return your plea to the Court by mail, in-person, or via drop-box at the Town Hall. The fine amount is printed on the face of the ticket; payment is due 30 days after submitting your plea.
B) OR Plead NOT GUILTY by checking that box on your ticket, then sign, date, and complete the information fields. Return your plea to the Court by mail, in-person, or via drop-box. You will be scheduled for a conference with the Village Attorney and notified of the new court date by mail.
C) OR Appear in person on the court date stated on the face of your ticket.

If you do not have your original ticket but wish to enter a plea in writing and/or pay your ticket, please contact the Court office during business hours.

Wedding Inquiries:

Wedding Information Form

To inquire about having one of our Judges officiate a wedding ceremony, please see the form linked above. Fill out the form completely and return it to the Court by e-mail, mail, drop-box, or in-person. You will be contacted with further details.

Access to Court Records:

The public has a common law right of access to Court records which may be restricted by statute. The Freedom of Information Law (“FOIL”) does not apply to Court records.

All requests for access to Court records should be directed to the Court Clerk in writing. The request must reasonably describe the specific records sought and cannot be a request for general information or for the compilation of records.

For additonal information, please visit:

When Appearing in Court:

Proper attire and decorum in the courtroom is required at all times.
Photography and recording is not allowed within the Court building.
All persons and property are subject to search by the Court Officer Attendants Unit.



Town Events Calendar

Parma Town Hall
1300 Hilton Parma Corners Rd.
P.O. Box 728
Hilton, NY 14468
585-392-9461 . Fax: 585-392-6659

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To file a complaint of discrimination, write: USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S. W., Washington, DC 20250-9410,
or call (866) 632-9992 (voice) or (800)877-8339 (TDD).

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