
Online Dog License
Unclaimed Funds Search
Town/County Tax Collection
Pay Taxes Online
Facility Rentals
Real Property Portal

Town of Parma Code, current and archival Town, Planning, Zoning and Conservation Boards minutes; Legal and Public Notices published through the Town Clerk Office, Budget information; Bid Package Information and Internal Town Policies.

Town Code - E-Code for Town of Parma

Legal and Public Notices
Freedom of Information Requests (FOIL)
Parma Zoning Map
Parma Ridge Road Zoning Map


Facility Rentals

Pavilion Rentals
VFW Rentals
Facility Reservations & Requests, Hilton-Parma Parks & Recreation

Carrie Fracassi
Town Clerk /
Receiver of Taxes
Phone: 585-392-9461
Fax: 585-392-6366


Town Events Calendar


Parma Town Hall
1300 Hilton Parma Corners Rd.
P.O. Box 728
Hilton, NY 14468
585-392-9461 . Fax: 585-392-6659

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