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Town of Parma Code, current and archival Town, Planning, Zoning and Conservation Boards minutes; Legal and Public Notices published through the Town Clerk Office, Budget information; Bid Package Information and Internal Town Policies.
Town Code - E-Code for Town of Parma

The Town of Parma will hold a Special Meeting
on Tuesday, April 1, 2025, at 6:30 p.m. at the Parma Town Hall, 1300 Hilton Parma Corners Road, Hilton, New York to consider
Introductory Local Law – Zoning Update
Carrie Fracassi, Parma Town Clerk
Fire Districts News
Town of Parma Water Improvement Benefit Area #1
- Water System Capitol Improvement Project Bonding
- SEQR Negative Declaration ENB
- Notice of Adoption – Water Improvement Area 1
- Letter to the Town
Well Water Sampling and Testing
Public Hearing Power Point
A letter below was sent to residents and explaining the process.
View the letter here.
If you have completed the hook up process, please call the Highway Department and let us know your sewer hookup is completed.
If you need additional information, please call the Highway Department at 585-392-9464.
From the Assessor's Office
- 2024 Final Assessment Roll
It's that time of the year again when peddlers, vendors, and solicitors go door to door in our community...
The Town of Parma requires a permit for these kinds of sales and solicitations. If someone comes to your door, ask if they have a license. Town of Parma will issue all vendors a permit which must be always on them and they are required to show if asked. If they do not have a vendor license, are using someone else’s License, their sales approach is offensive, aggressive and/or violates any provision of the Code, they are in violation. Please contact Monroe County Sheriff for any vendor in violation of the code and file a complaint form with the Town Clerk’s Office.
For your convenience, a drop box is available on the front of the Town Hall building for most transactions. Please be sure to include a contact phone number and property address. If necessary a transaction receipt will be mailed. Please contact our office (585) 392-9461 if you have any questions.
Town Events Calendar

The Parma Town Hall, 1300 Hilton Parma Corners Road (Route 259) is a designated SafePlace location for the Parma community. View additional information |

Parma is a country town with friendly people and a beautiful Town Park. Located in Monroe County, we are convenient to Rochester, shopping along Ridge Road and recreational access to Lake Ontario. Within our borders is the Village of Hilton with shopping opportunities, and a variety of churches and schools.
Parma is a great place to live with both a rich history and a promising future. |
Parma Town Hall
1300 Hilton Parma Corners Rd.
P.O. Box 728
Hilton, NY 14468
585-392-9461 . Fax: 585-392-6659
This institution is an equal opportunity provider, and employer.
To file a complaint of discrimination, write: USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S. W., Washington, DC 20250-9410,
or call (866) 632-9992 (voice) or (800)877-8339 (TDD).
ScenicView Web Company @2025 |