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Dog Bites
Dog bites are such a problem that
the Humane Society calls it an epidemic. More than 4.7 million people are
bitten by dogs each year in the U.S. and 10 to 20 people die annually as a
result of dog bites. Most victims are children.
Dogs bite for a number of reasons,
according to the Humane Society. They attack out of fear, to protect their
territory or to establish their dominance over the person being bitten. Some
dog owners mistakenly teach their dogs that biting is an acceptable form of
play behavior. This leads to a number of infant deaths each year when dogs
see them as prey and attack.
With so may factors contributing
to dog bites, responsible dog owners need to take a number of actions to reduce
dog bites. The Humane Society recommends that you:
- Spay or neuter your dog. Dogs
are three times more likely to bite if they havent been spayed or
- Train and socialize your dog
so its comfortable being around different types of people and situations.
Accompanying your dog to a training class is an excellent way to learn proper
training and socializing techniques.
- Never play attack or tug-of-war
games with your dog. Dogs dont always understand the difference between
play and real-life situations.
- Make your dog a part of the
family. Dogs that spend a great deal of time alone in the backyard or tied
to a chain often become dangerous. Well socialized dogs rarely bite.
- Be cautious with your dog if
you dont know how it will react to a situation. When a letter carrier
or other service person comes to your door, be sure your dog is safely restrained
or confined in another room before opening the door. Dont allow your
dog to bark, jump against the door or bite the mail as it comes through
the mail slot. This will only teach your dog to bite the letter carrier.
- If your dog exhibits behavior
such as growling, nipping or biting - even occasionally - seek professional
advice from your veterinarian, an animal behaviorist, or a skilled dog trainer.
See also...
Arthur J. Fritz, Jr.
Dog Control Officer
Cell Number: 281-3690
After Hours or Emergencies Call 911
zoning@parmany.org (this can be used for dog related issues - not responded to on a daily basis) |

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Parma Town Hall
1300 Hilton Parma Corners Rd.
P.O. Box 728
Hilton, NY 14468
585-392-9461 . Fax: 585-392-6659
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